Coaching is an extension of our courses which means the same patented implementation & habit creation framework that we use in the courses is used in our coaching programs.
The only difference is with our coaching programs, you are supported and made accountable so you can apply The FitMum Method to your lifestyle quicker & easier leading to faster development of habits and better results!
You can't break new information down too much, the smaller or simpler you can make a concept - the easier it is to learn and then apply.
Take for example - food prep. A simple concept but to some food prep might involve an entire Sunday in the kitchen.
For others food prep might be as simple as cooking two dinners on one night so that it's prepared already the next day meaning the afternoon is freed up for other activities.
When you work with us via our coaching programs we are able to break down the information in our courses so you can more easily apply it to your own life.
Most people are smart enough to know what to eat, not many people are aware enough to know what their body likes to eat.
Everybody is unique and whilst we can look to science to know what you should be eating, your body is the ultimate source of knowledge.
Most people miss the subtle cues it gives and not many people at all understand what to do when their body gives you those cues.
Worst of all, women are taught to ignore those cues like hunger which could be a sign you should actually eat more or the right foods instead of less food.
In our coaching programs we can teach you how to read your body better to give it what it is crying out for.
When you become apart of our coaching programs, the rhythm you get into with us is a weekly check in rhythm.
Each week you'll apply one new lifestyle change and let us know how you went.
One of our FitMum Coaches will review your check in and give you video feedback, giving you solutions to any problems you're facing then telling you the one thing you can work on in the upcoming week that will have the biggest impact on your health & well being.
The more check ins you complete and the more guidance you take from us the more progress you make.
When you become apart of our coaching programs you get;
Weekly Check In & Video Feedback: This is the engine that keeps you going, each week you check in with your coach you make progress.
Weekly Q&A Sessions: Attend live & ask questions or have problems solved on a deeper level than your weekly feedback or watch on replay and potentially learn something you didn't even think you needed to know.
Inner Circle Support: Your tribe lifts your vibe and in this case what is more empowering than a group of women who all have the same values, motivation & goals working together to lift each other up.
Imagine seeing a Mum with more kids than you or with less time than you succeeding? Wouldn't that be inspiring!
Coach Peter & Megan Brown, Metabolic Nutritionists
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